
New Born child management in Ayurveda

Author : Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS. MD(Ayu) MSS&C,(Pshy) BPH (Pranic)
                              Secretary of Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama®
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals.
Post office Road, Jagalur-577 528
Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
Phone  No. 09844606423.
E-mail Id: chethan03ayu@gmail.com

On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 9Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)

Contact:- 9844606423

 Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.  

DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM

Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday

rest of the days in Jagalur Branch

1.      SHUNTI BAVITHA KSHREERA ( In small dose) for CHILDREN:-
In Some areas and for some baby’s (first months to 3 year baby’s) are not get sufficient quantity of  breast milk because of mal nourishment and mal nutritious food supplement to the mother. So the people go for the extra milk like buffalo milk, cow milk etc to the child. but buffalo milk contain more quantity of fat, protein, calcium energy & lac of lactose, vitamin c etc it may create improper absorption, indigestion, diarrhoea & vomiting to the child. Improper absorption may cause delayed mile stones, protein energy mal nutrition and other disorder. Sometimes due to infected buffalo, container infection, unhygienic condition pathogens may enters into the body while feeding.  So Shunti Bhavitha Ksheera is more effective in these conditions. Shunti Bhavitha Ksheera is also effective at time of Gastro Entreaties and Lactose Incontinence.
Nutritive value of the milk / 100 gram

Buffalo milk
Mother milk
Fat (gram)
Protein (gram)
Lactose (gram)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)

Vitamin C (Mg)
Minerals (gram)

Method of preparation of SHUNTI BAVITHA KSHEERA:-
            1 part – Shunti Power (Zingiber officinale)
            15 parts - Buffalo Milk
            15 parts – Water
Take a 1part (pinch) of Shunti power (Zingiber officinale)  add 15 parts of water and 15 parts of milk, boiled with the help of Mandagni i.e. low temperature reduced up to 15 parts then is used for feeding.
Properties of Shunti (Zingiber officinale):-
Rasa:- Katu
Guna:- guru, ruksha, teekshna.
Virya:- ushna
Vipaka :- madhura
Karma :- vata-kapha hara, deepana, bhedana, rasayana.
Indication:- admana, atisara, shotha, swasa, kasa, hikka, vibhanda, pandu, jwara, agnimandya.
            Anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, reduces serum uric acid level, improves Gastro-intestinal track function, anti-glycaemic, effectively reduces the cholesterol level, anti-cholinergic and anti-histamic effect, bio-availability enhancing property, effective on E-coli, proteus vulgaris, s.typhinumurium, strep-aures & strep viridans.
         Shunti having katu rasa, ushna veerya, ruksha, teershna property it will not causes any gastric irritation etc because here we are using shunti in small quantity even specially for buffalo milk, buffalo milk having more quantity of fat molecules, protein and energy. ushna, teeksna property of shunti reduces the extra fat and energy of the buffalo milk helpful for the easy digestion and absorption, also Shunti is called as visvabheshajya.
            Now a day’s mal nutrition, mal nourishment, lack of breast milk is the most common problem to the child. So most of the parents go for the buffalo milk feeding. Due to more energy, fat and protein in the buffalo milk, digestion, absorption will not taking place in the small children (1-6 months baby) it will cause diarrhoea, vomiting, delayed mile stone, vitamin D & C deficiency disorders, protein energy mal nutrition etc disorder.
So, Shunti Bhavitha Ksheera will reduce the extra fat and energy of the buffalo milk helpful for the easy digestion and absorption.
Way to use:-
            Shunti should be made into course power and made into small packets and distribute to all parents.

Dr. Chethan Kumar.A.T BAMS. MD(Ayu)., MSS&C(Pshy). BPH(Pranic)

Award winner of “VAIDYARATNAM P.S WARRIERS”Winner of “KSHITIJ 2012 Best Presenter”Winner - “Young Scientist” Award.

         Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama
         Shree Ujwala Ayurveda Hospital, Panchakarma Centre
         Shree Ujwala Pharmaceuticals,
          JAGALUR-577528, Davanagere (Dist), Karnataka

e-mail chethan03ayu@gmail.com

On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)

Contact:- 9844606423

Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.  

DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM

Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday

rest of the days in Jagalur Branch

concept of gulma / gastrities accourding to ayurveda / concept of tumours in ayurveda / batti roga / batti biluvudu


Author : Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS. MD(Ayu) MSS&C,(Pshy) BPH (Pranic)
                              Secretary of Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama®
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals.
Post office Road, Jagalur-577 528
Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
Phone  No. 09844606423.

On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)
Contact:- 9844606423
Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.  

DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM

Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday

rest of the days in Jagalur Branch

The ways of understanding & concept of gulma according to our acharyas are different. The analogy, keen observation and the way of understand of the concept of gulma according to different acharyas concept helps a lot in our clinical practice. The word meaning of gulma is Lata i.e shrub or bush, another meaning is pindakara as per the chakrapani.
According to acharya Charaka The word meaning of gulma is pindakara (round and hard mass) while explaining the vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, sannipataja, raktaja gulma lakshanas is unique as that of root meaning of gulma I.e pindakara - nodules or mass. So for the better understanding of cahrakokta gulma is tumours, the terms "mass" and "nodule" is often used synonymously with "tumor". Generally speaking, however, the term "tumor" is used generically, without reference to the physical size of the lesion. Tumor is not synonymous with cancer. While cancer is by definition malignant, a tumor can be benignpre-malignant or malignant or can represent a lesion without any cancerous potential what so ever.
But according to shushrutha acharya while explaining the lakshanas of vataja pittaja kaphaja, sannipatja, raktaja gulma they mention amurtha lakshanas So, For the better understanding we concluded that shushrutokta gulma is Gastritis, in kannada we call it as Batti roga, in the batti roga or Gastritis around the umbilical region we can palpate as a round mass like structure, it is an pulsatile and moving around the abdomen and also other lakshanas like cathing & spasmodic pain in heart, parshwa (back of the chest), around the umbilicus, etc.
Charakokta gulma:-

 -: Abdominal Tumour:-
A tumor is an abnormal growth of body tissue. Tumors can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign).
In general, tumors occur when cells divide excessively in the body. Cells that are damaged or no longer needed die to make room for healthy replacements. If the balance of cell division and death is disturbed, a tumor may form. Problems with the body's immune system can lead to tumors. Some tumors are more common in one gender than the other. Some are more common among children or the elderly. Others are related to diet, environment, and family history.
Symptoms depend on the type and location of the tumor. For example, lung tumors may cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Tumors of the colon can cause weight loss, diarrhoea, constipation, iron deficiency anemia, and blood in the stool.
Some tumors may not cause any symptoms until the disease has reached an advanced stage, such as pancreatic cancer etc.
The following symptoms occur with most tumors:
·         Chills
·         Fatigue
·         Fever
·         Loss of appetite
·         Malaise
·         Night sweats
·         Weight loss

Examinations and Tests

·          CT or MRI scans 

·         positron emission tomography (PET) scans

·         Biopsy of the tumor

·         Blood tests (to look for chemicals such as tumor markers)
·         Bone marrow biopsy (most often for lymphoma or leukemia)
·         Chest x-ray
·         Complete blood count (CBC)

Treatment varies based on: The type of tumor, whether it is noncancerous or cancerous.

Tumor is benign (noncancerous):-
If the tumor is benign and is located in a "safe" area where it will not cause symptoms or affect the function of the organ, sometimes no treatment is needed.

Tumor is cancerous, possible treatments include:
·         Chemotherapy
·         Radiation
·         Surgery


You can reduce the risk of cancerous (malignant) tumors by:
·         Eating a healthy diet
·         Exercising regularly
·         Limiting alcohol
·         Maintaining a healthy weight
·         Minimizing exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals
·         Not smoking or chewing tobacco
·         Reducing sun exposure, especially if you burn easily

Eka mulika prayoga for Charakokta gulma
Pashana bheda
Madana pala
Sapta parna
Danti mula

Shushrutokta gulma:-
Gastritis, an inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach, is not a single disease. Rather, gastritis is a condition that has many causes. Common to all people with gastritis is pain or discomfort in the upper part of the belly (abdomen). Gastritis can be a brief and sudden illness (acute gastritis), a longer-lasting condition (chronic gastritis), or a special condition, perhaps as part of another medical illness.
Gastritis is a common medical problem, with up to10% of people who come to a hospital emergency department with the complaint of abdominal pain being ultimately diagnosed with gastritis.
Gastritis Causes
Gastritis is associated with various medications, physical stresses, social habits, chemicals, and infections.
Gastritis Symptoms
Symptoms of gastritis do not always correspond to the extent of physical changes in the lining of the stomach. In people who have gastritis symptoms, pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen is the most common symptom.
·         The pain is usually in the upper central portion of the abdomen (the "pit" of the stomach).
·         Sometimes gastritis pain occurs in the left upper portion of the abdomen and in the back. The pain seems to "go right straight through."
·         People often use the terms burning, aching, gnawing, or soreness to describe the pain. Usually, a vague sense of discomfort is present, but the pain may be sharp, stabbing, or cutting.
Other symptoms of gastritis include the following:
·         Belching: Belching usually either does not relieve the pain or relieves it only briefly.
·         Nausea and vomiting: The vomit may be clear, green or yellow, blood-streaked, or completely bloody, depending on the severity of the stomach inflammation.
·         Bloating
·         Feeling of fullness or burning in the upper part of the belly
Any or all of these symptoms can occur suddenly. This is particularly true in adults older than 65 years of age.

Gastritis Diagnosis
The diagnosis of gastritis can be established by a complete history and physical examination or in some cases may include blood tests and endoscopy.
Laboratory testing: No laboratory tests can pinpoint a diagnosis of gastritis. An electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) might be ordered if the patient's heartbeat is rapid or they are having chest pain. X-rays films or other diagnostic images may be ordered, although they are usually not necessary.

Eka mlika prayoga Shusrutokta gulma
Pippali mula
Tarya mana
Shata pushpa
Krushna jeeraka
Parasika yavani