
Feedings for baby / kids / Ayurvedic manegment for new born children / Ayurvedic childwood manegment

Feedings for baby:-
Author : Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS. MD(Ayu) MSS&C,(Pshy) BPH (Pranic)
                              Secretary of Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama®
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals.
Post office Road, Jagalur-577 528
Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
Phone  No. 09844606423.
E-mail Id: chethan03ayu@gmail.com

On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)

Contact:- 9844606423

 Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.  

DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM

Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday

rest of the days in Jagalur Branch

Swarna prashana:=
First second & third day should be offered to licked swarna prashana with mantras thrice a day i.e morning, noon & evening.. acc to sushrutha & vagbhata.
At fourth day morning & noon swarna prashana at evening breast milk should be give
            Feeding schedule for 1st 3days adviced by su & vag does not seems to be proper, because respective feeds are advised trice or during three periods. If it is inferred that any number of feeds can be given during these periods, then amount of honey & ghrutha ingested by the neaoat would be much beyond his digestive capacity, however, if the feeding is given only thrice, then it will not be sufficient for nourishment specially for requirement of water. Advice of charaka I.e. breast milk beeding from 1st day is more logical. Breast feeding at earliest possible time after delivery to healthy neonate by healthy mother is said to be beneficial for both. All the authors have adviced use of honey & ghrutha. Honey is collected from pollens of various flower by bees, pollen are known antigenic substances. It is possible that this honey might be containg antigens thus produces non-specific immunity in the child; ghrutha might be helping in clearing the meconium from bowels.
Any ways breast milk will not come properly immediately after delivery. So Acc to charaka along with breast milk start with you can start swarna prashana in little quantity. As told by early procedures. It will helpful for both sucking reflex to the child, as well as milk secretion from the breast. Anyways Swarna prashana is very useful.
Practical problems in Breast while secretion:-
·        In-sufficient secretion:-
o   Take shatavari kalpa (dudpapeswar) 1-2 tsf with milk bid.
o   Take more quantity of milk with madhura rasa pradanya food article.
o   Eatables drinkables which are predominantly liquied, sweet, sour or saltish food.
o   Happiness, absence of sorroe, anger, fear, tiring work as well as avoidance of excessive walking.
o   Barly, wheat, Sali, swastika, meat-soup, kanji, pestle taila, lashuna, fish etc.
o   Use ghrutha and oil more.
o   Astapan basti,
o   Milk treated with maricha and pippali mula.

·        Tumours ( gadde) in the breast:-
Due to excessive secretion of milk or insufficient, improper feeding, abscess like tumours (gadde) may see in the breast. At that time allopath Drs usually Advice that cloth should be dipped in hot water then give sufficient heat, then squeeze then milk and take it out, otherwise they give some hormonal injection to stop the secretion of milk.
But application of Rasnadi lepa ( Ranadi churna mixed with tamarind juice) on the Breast helps to reduce the tumour also helps to proper secretion of milk…. It my clinical experience.
Namakarana samskara:-
                        On the 10th, 12th 0r 100th day or after completion of 1year according to traditions of one’s family. On the day of ceremony woman along with her child should take bath wiyh water medicated with sarvaganda drugs. Dress herself with light, intact, clean garments & sacred, light, desired and splendid ornaments. Now she should touch auspicious objects, worship god (whom she always worshiped), fire & bhrahmanas possessing lock of hairs on crown of their head, having all the body parts intact & wearing white garments. After having recitations for welfare and prosperity by brahmanas and placing the son on pack of intact cloths, she should sit keeping head of the child towards north or east. The child has offered obeisance to diety and brahmanas saying this the father should give him 2 names i.e. Nakshatrika(based on the planets of birth) & abhipriyika (popular to be used daily) the popular name should be begins with ghosa varna(ha, ya, va, ra, la, na, ma na, jha, bha, dha, ja, bag a, da, da) and ends with antastha (ya va ra la) or usmanta ( sa, sa,sa ha). The name should not have a letter with vruddha i.e. a, ai, ou, be identical with the names of three generetions and be famous. The nakshatrika name should be accourding to the planet of bith consisting of two or four letters.
Breast milk:-
Milk is ejected by thought, sight or touch of the child & also with his physical contact (suckling) for proper flow of milk uninterrupted affection for the child is mainly responsible.
After delivery on 3rd or 4th day dhamanis or siras situated in cardiac region get dilated and initiated milk ejection.
The 1st milk or colostrum is rich in protein salt, deficient in sugar & fat contents in comparision to normal breast milk, properly due to these qualitative changes its use was contraindicated by haritha, this practice was prevalent even n 20th century, however, after the knowledge of presence of good amount of antibodies & essential nutrients in this colostrum, its use is being considered beneficial. 
As no other milk can be compared with mother’s milk for proper growth and development of the child, so in the conditions of inability for feeding the child by the mother due to her physical or psychological disorders, alternative arrangement for a wet-nurse has been advised by Ayurveda acharyas.
            Note: - there than breast milk & swarna prashana don’t give single drop of water to the child up to minimum 6months. After that give boiled potato, boiled apple, ragi ambly, etc.

Nava Jata shishu poshna karma

Acc to Charaka
Acc to Sushrutha
Acc to Sangraha
Acc to Hrudaya
Stiking of  stones (near karna mula)
Cleaning of vernix caseosa
Cleaning of vernix caseosa
Cleaning of vernix caseosa
Irrigation (parisheka) of mouth with cold or hot water
Cleaning of oral cavity with rock salt & ghrutha
Irrigation (abhisinchana) of body with bala taila (prasva kasta nivaranartha)
Irrigation (abhisinchana) of body with bala taila (prasva kasta nivaranartha)
Prana pratya gamana
Snehokta pichu (KBTaila) on the fore head (netti)
Stiking of  stones (near karna mula)
Stiking of  stones (near karna mula)
Bath & cleaning of anus
Cutting of umbilical cord
Prana pratya gamana
Cutting of umbilical cord
Cleaning of palate
Revival with sprinkling of cold water
Cutting of umbilical cord
Karpas hastyadi taila picchu darana
Cleaning & elevatin of palate
Sindava+ sarpi vamana
Swarna prashana
Cleaning of throat & elevation of palate
Pichu with karpas hastyadi taila
Cutting of umbilical cord
Bala taila massage
Swarna prashana
Swarna prashana
Saindava sarpi vamana
Swarna prashana
Saindava sarpi vamana
Jata karma

Practically application of nava Jata shishu poshana karama (acc to chethan)
Sl no
Pracitical procedures

Stiking of stones impractical (optional)
Sprinkle hot and cold water on the face alternatively or based on the season cold water in summer & hot water in winter because child is unconsiouse after delivery due to pressure during delivery
 irrigation of mouth with cold & hot water
Cleaning of oral cavity, throat, mouth with cotton wrapped index finger.
Bath & cleaning of Anus
Bala Taila Abyanga
Picchu with karpas hasyadi taila or bala taila on anterior fontanele (bhrahmarnadra)
Bathing after baby normal (free from tairdness)
Swarna prashana 1 gunja pramana with index finger

No need of saindava sarpir vamana (because of suction)

Abyanga :-
With bala taila (ksheera bala taila)
Snana vidhi:-
·        After abyanga snana should with Luke worm water decoction with ksheeri vruksha kashaya in pitta dominant & pitta vruddi.
·        Sarvagandodaka kashaya (eladi gana kashaya) in vata predominant
·        Kapitta leaves kashaya in comparatively week child
·        Heated gold or silver should be dipped on the luke worm water.
After abyanga with ksheera bala taila (chaitanya pharmacy) water should heat by adding sarvagandodaka powder, one gold coin & silver coin then do bath.
After abyanga with ksheera bala taila (chaitanya pharmacy) water should heat by adding one gold coin & silver coin then do bath. Is very simple…
Wrapping method:-
After bathing body should be wrapped with linen cloth (kshouma vastra) and made to sleep on a bed covered with linen cloth.
Vagbhata says that pichhu with Ksheera bal taila should be made on the ear and temporal region acc to me picchu is mede on the anterior frontanale. Then should make to sleep on a cushion made on linen cloth keeping head on east side.
To maintain humidity in the room keep kalasha is filled with water near the head of child and in both the side of the door.
Sutika ghara:-
            The labour ward should be filled with full of gifts, auspicious things, blessings, praises, playings of musics & musical instruments, clean & dainty food & drinkables along with loyally devoted & delighten persons, light voivce of bhrhmanas chanted athrva veda mantra’s Cd should be playing.
            Shanti homa should do morning & evening.. or monthly once, or once in 1st or 3rd month…

Dr. Chethan Kumar.A.T BAMS. MD(Ayu)., MSS&C(Pshy). BPH(Pranic)

Award winner of “VAIDYARATNAM P.S WARRIERS”Winner of “KSHITIJ 2012 Best Presenter”Winner - “Young Scientist” Award.

         Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama
         Shree Ujwala Ayurveda Hospital, Panchakarma Centre
         Shree Ujwala Pharmaceuticals,
          JAGALUR-577528, Davanagere (Dist), Karnataka

Contact:- 9844606423
e-mail chethan03ayu@gmail.com

Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.  

DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM

Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday

rest of the days in Jagalur Branch

On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)

Contact:- 9844606423