management of new growths in preventive malignant transformation case study
with clinical experience
rest of the days in Jagalur Branch
Author : Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS.
MD(Ayu) MSS&C,(Pshy) BPH (Pranic)
Secretary of Shree Ujwala
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda
Post office Road, Jagalur-577 528
Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
Phone No. 09844606423.
On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)
Contact:- 9844606423
Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.
DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM
Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday
Key words:-
New Growths, Ranula, Fibroid, Cyst, Multiple
Neuro-Fibroma, Anarsha Kshara.
To understand the Clinical conditions & management
of new growths then prevent the malignant transformation with clinical
Tumours are nothing but benign tumours,
pre-malignant, malignant tumours or cysts. The way of understanding of tumours
through Ayurveda according acharyas are clear but they explained in different
context i.e. according to charaka acharya gulma is considered as tumours.
Similarly according to sushrutha acharya Arbhuda is considered as tumours.
Sometimes due to multiple cell divisions, infections & other pathological
conditions tumours are transformed into malignant.
Malignant transformation is the process by
which cells acquire the properties of cancer. This may occurs as a primary
process in normal tissue or secondarily as malignant degeneration of a
previously existing benign tumour.
Malignant transformation of cells in a
benign tumour may be detected by pathologic examination of tissues. Often the
clinical signs & symptoms are suggestive of malignant tumour. Physician
during the medical history examination can find that there have been changes in
size or patient sensation & upon direct examination that has been a change
in the lesion itself. Risk assessments can be done and are known for certain
types of benign tumour which are known to undergo malignant transformation.
Ayurvedically we can manage new growths
& benign tumours successfully without any surgical procedure & other
procedurs in a short period of duration also we can prevent malignant
Ayurvedic medication:-
Line of
treatment:- katu, lavana rasa, ushna veerya, ushna, teekshna, sukshma guna,
Lekhana, deepana, pachana, karshna, gulmahara. Drug should be selected.
(Anubhutha Yoga) as a Paniya Kshara is drug of choice.
Dose:- 125mg to 250mg
Anupana:- Luke worm water.
Way of use: - Take prescribed dose of
Anarsha Kshara allows staying in the mouth for 2-3 minutes then drinking Luke
worm water (For sublingual absorption).
Case study:-
Patient name Deepu aged 9 years c/o A painless tumour
below the tongue since 6 months diagnosed as Ranula.
Treatment given Anarsha Kshara 125 mg allow for
sublingual absorption two times a day, before food.
After 3 months ranula becomes normal.
Patient name vinutha female aged 26 years C/O pain full
& irregular menstrual cycle On investigation USG scan:- Bulky uterus with
small fibroid measuring about 2.1X2.5cms, Chronic cysties
Treatment given Anarsha Kshara 250mg Bid, BF.
Trayushanada Loha 1000mg Bid.
After 3 months USG:- no fibroid but 3-4 small cyst in
left ovary, impression:-PCOD.
- 3
Patient Name Sudha aged 27 years C/O amainneuria since 3
years O/I TVS scan: - large septated cyst in Right ovary measuring 4.2X1.5cms
Rx given kala basti with eranda muladi niruha, varunadi
ghrutha followed with Anarsha kshara 250mg Bid, BF & Chandrabrabha vati
1-0-1 AF.
After 3 months TVS scan:- Normal pelvic USG study.
Case: - 4
patient name suma aged 29 years C/O pain
less, hard tumours all over the body since 15 years, Diagnosed as Multiple
neuro-fibroma, Advised kaidrya vati for 2 months. There are no changes. This
case is reported for case study.
Case 5:-
transformation of nasal polyps is believed to be very rare. Patient name kousar
bai aged 63years, C/O nasal obstruction difficulty in breathing, running nose
O/E nasal polyposis, huge nasal polyp in both the nostril.
Rx given Anarsha kshara 250mg as prescribed
dose & Haridra khanda 1tsf with milk
after 40
days there is no abstraction in the nostrils.
we can manage new growths like benign
tumours, cyst, polyps without any surgical & other operative procedures in
a short period of time through “ANARSHA kshara’ successfully also prevent the
malignant transformation.
Malignancy is a life threatening and most burning
problem in the present era. Most of the benign tumours are transformed into
malignant tumours due to multiple cell divisions, infections & other
pathological conditions. So management of all tumours in primary stages is most
important. In later stages of new growths/tumours needed surgical procedure,
chemotherapy etc. sometime through these procedure we can’t get success in the
malignancy managements.
So, every
physician must try to understand the clinical condition of new growths &
prevent the further complications based on evidence.
On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)
On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)
Dr. Chethan Kumar.A.T BAMS. MD(Ayu)., MSS&C(Pshy). BPH(Pranic)
Award winner of “VAIDYARATNAM P.S WARRIERS”Winner of “KSHITIJ 2012 Best Presenter”Winner - “Young Scientist” Award.
Ujwala Ayurdhama
Ujwala Ayurveda Hospital,
Panchakarma Centre
Ujwala Pharmaceuticals,
JAGALUR-577528, Davanagere
(Dist), Karnataka
Dr. Chethan Jagalur Consultation:- ISHAYU (Shree Ujwala Ayurvedic Hospital) BANGALORE Malleswaram every THURSDAY.
DGM Ayurveda Hospital GADAG Every SATURDAY. From 9AM to 3PM
Ganesh Nursing Home KAKAPURA Every 2nd Thursday
rest of the days in Jagalur Branch
Contact:- 9844606423
On-line Consultation Timing:- 9Am to 7Pm (Phone calls or Whatsup)
Contact:- 9844606423