: Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS. MD(Ayu) MSS&C,BPH
Secretary of Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama®
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda
528 Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
No. 7204737423 / 09844606423.
Id: chethan03ayu@gmail.com
Malleswaram, MYSORE, HUBLI-DHARWAD, HASSAN, Rest of the days in JAGALUR Branch
On-line Consultation Timing:- 10Am to 10pm
Key words: - Coronary Artery Blockage, pluck-fat cells, plasma cholesterol, Tab HRUDAYA VATI
Objective: - Clinical Condition of Coronary Artery Blockage with Scientific study and Clinical Experience.
Brief Introduction regarding Coronary Arterial Blockage:-
Coronary artery block is the most common disease and also causes of premature death in the present era. Comparatively male sex is more prone to the arterial blockages than female.
Heart muscles are needed the blood supply, oxygen molecules and nutrients to function properly. Coronary arteries are those which are supplied blood to the heart muscles, the blockages in the coronary arteries which cause the lack of blood supplement to the heart muscles. Coronary artery blockages are caused due to the build-up of the cells, fat and cholesterol which is called as pluck. This causes the lock of supply of blood to the heart muscles. When the person is more active, running, more stress heart needs even more blood supply, but when the coronary artery is block there might not be the lack of blood supply to the heart muscles that lack of blood supplement of the heart muscles are called as ischemic heart disease, this shows the symptoms irregular heart rhythm, shortness of the breath, angina other name of the angina are pain, tightness, or pressure in the chest. These symptoms are may not see in the few minutes depend on the longer the heart not needs the blood. As longs the time heart goes not needed the blood worst the problem might be. The overtime heart muscles not getting oxygen sometimes they get permanently damage and death of cell in the heart muscles this is what happened in the heart attack. Long period of ischemia which cause the sever irregular heart rhythms and heart failure which can be fail.
Coronary artery disease tests:-
There are several test are available to diagnose or look for possible coronary artery disease. They are electrocardiogram, exercise stress, nuclear scan test, stress thallium test, and cardiac catheterization. Choice of which and have many test to preform, depending the history of heart problem and current symptoms. some of these test includes electrocardiogram this test uses the patches on the superficial skin of the chest, arms and legs to record the electrical activity of the heart the test dose not identify the specific area of blockages but the test identify the general area of the heart concerned to the blockages. Other test includes exercise stress test nuclear scan, stress thallium the purpose of these tests is to check the blood supply to the heart muscles where you are active and where you are resting. The test may the real area in heart are not getting the specific amount of blood may indicate heart disease or previous heart attack. Like an electrocardiogram these test don’t locate or identify the specific blockages but these test identify the general area of the blockages in the heart.
Cardiac catheterization is another procedure we can see inside the heart with the special die and the X-RAY, this will find the any problem inside the heart and inside the arteries, at this time cardiac catheterization is the most accurate test for looking at your coronary arteries and to identify the location, number and severity of blockages that may be affecting the heart muscles.
If the coronary artery disease is diagnosed there are many way to treated, this includes lifestyle changes, medication, procedure or surgery
Life style changes:-
Includes daily exercises, changes in the diet and quitting smoking.
In allopathic system of medicine through the medication can only help the symptoms of blocked coronary arteries it cannot fix them.
Procedure or surgery:-
If medication is not that much effective invasive procedure is necessary ex:- balloon angioplasty during an balloon angioplasty there may be an balloon which helpful to an expand the blockage and restore the blood flow, sometimes stent which is expandable devise may then be used.
In more several cases of the coronary artery blockages surgery is needed to make new pathway of the blood this procedure is called coronary artery bypass graft in this procedure blood vessel is taken some more else of the body and is used to bypass the damaged over blocked vessel blood in the heart this improves the delivery of the blood in the heart muscles and in turn improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle.
The way of understanding of medoroga prakarana according to ************* and other acharyas are unique. Even stoulya and medoroga is caused due to medo vruddi. ************* and other acharyas explain stoulya prakarana and medo roga prakarana in separately. It indicates that Stoulya includes fatty deposition in the adipose tissue. Likewise Medo roga including fat molecules and plasma cholesterol in the blood. Due to the more quantity of the fat molecules and plasma cholesterol in the blood May causes several disorders including coronary artery blockage, gallbladder stones, X-syndrome etc.
Clinically sometimes person may lean but suffering from coronary artery disease or gallbladder stones, hyper cholestremia, higher plasma cholesterol levels. Sometimes we can’t find these conditions in obese persons. But obese person are have more chance to suffering from these problems.
Ayurvedic Medication:-
Line of treatment:-
katu rasa pradan, laghu, teekshna, sukshma and lekhana guna pradana, Kapha-vata hara, medo hara, ushna veerya, ushna brumhana and ushna rasayana drug should be select.
HRUDAYA VATI 1000mg 2times before food or chewing also can do.
Avipattikara churna 1tsf after food are the drug of choice.
At the pluck formation stage or pluck developmental stage in arteries and before the thrombus formation there is very much need full for the plasma cholesterol management. So in this stage ************* told by the ************* is the drug of choice. Even from 5% to 100% of the coronary artery blockages we can treat with these medications without any surgical procedures.
Scientific Studies on HRUDAYA VATI Ingredients
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Katu rasa, Guru, Ruksha Teekshna guna, Ushna veerya, Vata Kapha hara , Deepana, Bhedana Vibhanda Hruth. Pandu and Hrudroga are one of the indications.
Scientific studies:-
In hyper cholestrerolaemic rats, shunti reduced the serum & hepatic cholesterol level significantly in 24 days(giri).
(E)-8 beta, 17-exoxylabel-12-ene-15, 16-dial (ZT) showed inhibitory effect on the cholesterol biosynthesis (Tanable).
Other properties Anti-Inflammatory, potent GI stimulant, effective in blood sugar, serum cholesterol, hyper cholestremia, Anti-motor sickness action possibly by central & peripheral Anti-Cholingric and Anti-Histemic effect, bio-availability enhancing property and Anti-Histemic effects, Hyper Lipedamia and also having anti-oxidant property, Anti-Microbial property against E-coli, s.Typhimirium, step Aurius, Step Viridense,
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katu rasa, laghu, teekshna guna, ushna veerya, katu vipaka, kapha-vata hara, ahrushya, deepana, pramati, hrudroga and krimi is one of the indications.
Scientific studies:-
piperine showed that it interacts with lipid environment to produce effects which lead to increased permeability of intestinal cells.(Bioche. pharmaol)
pipperine Exhibits antibacterial & anti-tumour activities against pseudo (chem. Abst)
Aqeous extract of pippali Lead to moderate raise in blood pressure in dogs(sridharan)
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katu rasa, laghu, snighda, teekshana guna, ushna veerya, madhura vipaka, vata-kapha hara, deepana, vrushya, rasayana.
Scientific studies:-
Piperlongumine showed marked anti-spasmodic action on isolated tissues, whereas piperiene produced spasmodic action on rabbit ileum. The ether of the plant produces complete cessation of frog heart beats for a short period, which could not be blocked by atropine. Piperene showed a stimulants action on frog’s heart and also a hypertensive effect which could be blocked by regitine. The ether extract of P.longum and piperlongumine caused a dose-related transient fall in BP. The ether extract was toxic to guinea pigs in a dose of 1200mg/kg (Prasad & chowdhury).
Piperlongumine also helpful for lypocitosis
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Pancha rasa kashaya rasa pradana, laghu rusha guna, ushna veerya, madhura vipaka, tridosha hara, anulomana, rasayana, prajahstapana, hrudya lekhaniya.
Scientific studies:-
Haritaki is found to be effective in reducing the levels of total lipids, serum TG, serum cholesterol, LDL and VLDL significantly. On the other hand level of HDL is increased significantly (sood & sharma).
Various extracts prepared from the fruit ring of T.Chebula have shown cardiotonic activity. When tested on normal as well as hypo-dynamic isolated frog hearts. The extracts increased the force of contraction and cardiac output without altering the heart rate. (reddy)
Possess a strong Hypolipidemic action and anti-anaphylactic action. Anti-bacterial activity against gram positive & gram negative bacteria, anti-fungal.
Other properties include significant antioxidant activity, wide anti-bacterial, anti-fungal spectrum.
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Kashaya rasa, ruksha, laghu guna, ushna virya, madhura vipaka, kapha-pitta hara, bhedaniya guna.
Scientific studies:-
It shows significant protective effect on microsomal lipid per oxidation (anand/1994)
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Amla pradana pancha rasa, sita virya, madhura vipaka, tridosha hara, vayastapana, rasayana, vrushya.
Scientific studies:-
Amlaki fruit have prevented the development of experimental atheroma both in aorta & coronary artery & also reduces the level of serum, aortic & hepatic cholesterol (bordia).
Amla fruit showed hypolipidemic & anti-atherosclerotic activity (Mand /1991).
Other properties Possess Immunomodulation, hypo-cholesteraemic, antimicrobial, anti-oxident.
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Katu rasa, ushna veerya, laghu, ruksha guna, katu vipaka, kapha-vata hara, dipana-pachana.
Scientific studies:-
Pipeline exhibited CNS depressant as well as muscle relaxant effect (chem. Abstr)
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Katu rasa, laghu, ruksha, tiksna guna, ushna veerya, katu vipaka, vata-kapha hara, deepana grahi.
Scientific studies:-
Plumbagin administered to hyperlipidaemia rabbits reduced serum cholesterol by 53-86% and LDL-cholesterol by 61-91%. It lowered Cholesterol/Phospholipid ratio by 45.8% and elevated HDL-cholesterol significantly. It prevented accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in liver and aorta & regressed atheromatus pluck. Plumbagin treated hyperlipidaemia subjects excreted more faecal cholesterol and phospholipids. (ind.J.Physiol.pharmacol.1991,35,10)
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Katu, tikta rasa, laghu, ruksha una, ushna virya, katu vipaka, kapha-vata hara, rasayana, balya, shopha, pandu.
Scientific studies:-
PE extract of the seeds produced a rise in blood pressure on anaesthetized dogs and caused stimulation of intestinal smooth muscle both in vivo and in vitro. (gupta/1962)
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Laghu, Snighdha, Sukshma guna. Agni Deepana, Pachana, Rushya, Hrudya, Vrushya. Sheeta Virya, Tridosha Hara.
It contains pure minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Copper and all the other 84 minerals, Sweet, cooling, light, carminative and digestive. Helps in high blood pressure, anaemia and heat in the blood. Stimulating blood circulation and mineral balance. Stimulating blood circulation and mineral balance.
Chemical properties:-
Sodium chloride (NaCl)-97.6%w/w
Sodium bi carbonate (NaHCo3)-0.07% w/w
Insoluble matter-0.031%w/w
minor quantities of magnesium Chloride, calcium Chloride & calcium sulphate.
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Laghu, Ushna, Tikshna guna, Ruksha, Vyavayi, Deepana, Hrudya, Vatanumana. Ushna Veerya. Kapha Pittahara. Hrudroga.
******* (******)
Katu in rasa and Kshara, Guru, Snighda, Sheeta virya, Vata Nashana, Teekshna & Utkleshana karma
Chemical Property:-
Sodium chloride (NaCl)-94.10% w/w
Total sulphate – 0.042%w/w
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)-0.049% w/w
******* (******)
Laghu, Sukshma, Vishada, Sasneha guna, Ushna veerya, Deepana, Pachana, Rochana, Bedhana, Pittajanashaka, Vata shamaka.
Chemical properties:-
Sodium chloride (NaCl)-97.8% w/w
Total sulphide (Na2S) -0.918 w/w
Iron (Fe)-0.03% w/w
Insoluble matter-0.07% w/w
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In the Lauha Bhasma with HgCl 2 treated group mild fatty changes and cell depletion was observed. In Mandura Bhasma with HgCl 2 treated group only mild fatty changes with moderate cellularity in the cyto-architecture of spleen was observed.
Cell depletion, fibrosis and necrosis were observed in the cyto-architecture of spleen in HgCl2 treated group.
Possess Haematinic and cyto-protective activities.
Method of Preparation:-
All the ingredients are made into fine power separately, equal quantity of each ingredients are do mardana after complete mixing add honey and ghrutha again subjected to mardana after fine mixing made it into pills form about 500mg or whatever convenient dose. Then dry them in shadow or with the help of drier.
Mode of use:-
1000 mg bid before food or Chewing.
Mode of administration of hrudaya vati through sub-lingual is more effective.
Water, Honey or Ghrutha.
Other indication:-
Hyper Lipidemia, Gall Bladder Stones, Lipid Profile Abnormalities, Metabolic X-Syndrome.
Case Discussion:-
CASE 1:-
Male Patient name Appaji sab, Jangali hatty, Jagalur Karnataka aged 72 Years completing of irregular heart rhythm, palpitation, difficulty in breathing and tiredness while little bit walking, chest pain, tightness or pressure in the chest since 8 months.
Previously treatment taken in Jayadeva hrudroga Hospital Bangaluru and Shree Shiradi sayibaba cordiac Hospital Bengaluru, both they are advised for Balloon Angioplasty procedure.
On examination: -
Low built, shortness of the breath, on auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of hg, pluse-78/min.
On Investigation:-
Angiograph results: - Right coronary artery blockage up to 76%.
Treatment given:-
corse: 1
Tab hrudaya vati 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.
Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.
Corse:- 2
After 21 days Angina, Palpitation, Shortness of Breath & other symptoms are decreased.
Tab Hrudaya 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.
Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.
After 21 days Angina, Palpitation, Shortness of Breath completely reduced but having light palpitation.
Advice :-
Tab Hrudaya vati 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.
Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.
Result:- (After a month)
Angiogram:- Result shows there is no blockage and other abnormalities are seen
Then advice to continue Hrudaya vati 500mg as a preventive measure.
CASE 2:-
Male Patient name Hanumanthappa, layer, Jagalur Karnataka aged 56 Years completing of tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation since 1year. Known case of hypertension & DM. non-smoker, obese.
Previously diagnosed & treated in Jayadeva hrudroga Hospital Bangaluru.
On examination: -
On auscultation third heart sound, irregular heart-rhythm , BP-130/90mm of Hg, pluse-76/min.
On Investigation:-
TMT:- Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
Angiograph results: - Right coronary artery blockage up to 40%.
Treatment given:-
Corse:- 1
Tab hrudaya vati 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.
Bilwadi vati 1 gm Bid after food with water. For 21days.
After 21 days Angina, tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased, along with Observed gastric irritation.
Advice:- Hrudaya vati 1000mg Bid before food for chewing
Balaguduchyadi Q 15ml Bid before food for 21days.
After 21 days Angina, tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased completely.
Result:- (After 15days)
Angiogram:- Result shows there is no blockage.
Then advice to continue ************* 500mg as a preventive measure.
CASE 3:-
Male Patient name Rudramuniyappa, musturu, Karnataka aged 80 Years, completing of difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation since 2 year. Chronic smoker.
Previously diagnosed & treated in Narayana Hrudayalaya Bengaluru.
On Examination:-
Normal built, Auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of Hg, pluse-78/min.
Angiogram Results:- Right Coronary Artery Blockage up to 60%.
Serological investigation:-
changes in the LDL, HDL and VLDL above the level
Treatment given:-
Tab************* 500mg Bid BF Chewing.
Balaguduchyadi Q 15 ml Bid AF Hot Water. For 21days
Corse: 2
After 21 days completing of difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased moderately.
Tab *************500mg Bid BF chewing.
Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid AF hot water. For 21 days.
Corse 3:-
After 21 days difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased.
Tab ************* 500mg Bid BF chewing.
Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid AF hot water. For 21 days.
Result:- (After a month)
Angiogram:- Result shows that there 20% 0f the blockage.
We observed 67% of the result in prescribed duration.
CASE:- 4
Pt name N.P.Nagaraj, 64years, Bank manager in SBM chitrdurga, Karnataka c/o chest pain, tiredness, palpitation. Since 9 months.
On Examination:-
Normal built, Auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of Hg, pluse-78/min.
Angiogram Results:- Right Coronary Artery Blockage up to 20%.
Treatment given:-
Tab ************* 500mg Bid BF Chewing. For 21days
Result:- After 21 days all the symptoms are normal.
After 21 days advice Tab ************* 250 mg daily as a preventive measure.
Coronary artery Blockage is caused due to Medo Vruddi in the blood that may accumulate in the coronary artery vessels. That will cause the ischemia in the heart muscles i.e. craving of the blood supply to the heart muscles. That may produce the symptom like irregular heart rhythm, shortness of the breath, angina. After that may leads to thrombus formation it will leads to myocardial infraction.
Sometimes 100% blockage with cholesterol, fat molecules and cells i.e. pluck May not show any symptoms but some time even 20-30% of blockage will forms the thrombus that may leads to myocardial infraction. So in the higher cholesterol level or in the hyper cholestremia conditions and in the early stages of the pluck formation only everyone needs medication.
By absorbing the different scholar’s scientific study of all the ingredients of Hrudaya vati with respect to regularise the cholesterol level and break down of pluck formation, We concluded that Hrudaya vati is the drug of choice for the coronary artery blockages.
Through the clinical study we absorbed that at the stage of pluck formation in the coronary artery and other arteries also by advising *Hrudaya vati completely removes the pluck formation and clears the pathway of the blood vessels.
So, every physician must try to understand the condition of the coronary artery blockages and prevent the further complications based on the evidence.
1. “************”, Vidyotini Hindi Tika Vaidya Shri Lakshmipathi Shastri, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Charu printers, reprint 2005, p no 22-23.
- Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakasha, Vidhyotini Hindi Vyakya,Shri Bhramashankar Shastri(Purvardha),4th edition ,Sirija,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Samskritha,1961
- Database on Medicinal Plants used in Ayurveda, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Sidda, New Delhi: Yugantar Prakashan; 2000, vol.1.
- Kirtikar - Basu, “Indian Medicinal Plants with Illustrations”, 2nd ed, Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal: Oriental Enterprises; 2001, vol-3.
- Prof. P. V. Sharma, “Dravyaguna Vignana (Vedic Plants and History of Dravyaguna)”, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharathi Academy; Reprint 1999, p no 234.
6. Dravyaguna vignana by J.L.N. shastry. Volume 2 Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharathi Academy.
7. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine Volume 2. 17th edition. Fauci Braunwal, kasper, loscalzo.
8. www.Google.com
9. www.youtube.comDr. Chethan Kumar.A.T BAMS. MD(Ayu)., MSS&C(Pshy). BPH(Pranic)
Award winner of “VAIDYARATNAM P.S WARRIERS”Winner of “KSHITIJ 2012 Best Presenter”Winner - “Young Scientist” Award.
: Dr. Chethan Jagalur. BAMS. MD(Ayu) MSS&C,BPH
Secretary of Shree Ujwala Ayurdhama®
Shree Ujawala Ayurvedic Hospital.
Shree Ujawala Ayurveda
528 Davangere (Dist), Karanataka.
No. 7204737423 / 09844606423.
Id: chethan03ayu@gmail.com
Malleswaram, MYSORE, HUBLI-DHARWAD, HASSAN, Rest of the days in JAGALUR Branch
On-line Consultation Timing:- 10Am to 10pm